• Has anyone bought the Arvinode from NPD? I bought the clamp kit for it and there was only 4 regular type clamps and 2 larger band style clamps. After taking the system out I think I need 4 more regular and 2 more band ones. Thought there would be enough to do the whole system. Thanks.


  • The original system was welded together, so you will have enough clamps if you choose to go the welded route. If you prefer to just clamp the system together then yes, you'll need more clamps.

  • The clamp kit that NPD has packaged assumes you will be welding the kit together. The band clamps go in the rear, there are two at the H pipe, and two on the tunnel hangers. If you are going to bolt together the kit you'll have to buy more clamps. As mentioned in the previous post, there weren't any clamps on the original. We've posted all of the parts illustrations in the earlier posts so you can see the assembly.

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