Posts by thermactor_old

    Thanks guys!

    That's exactly the info I was looking for. I'm glad to hear they're original. I would like to sell them, but when selling something, I definitely want to know about it. I'd hate to end up misrepresenting something - i've been the victim of that in a few ebay auctions...

    Makes sense that they're original I guess - I found them probably 12-14 years ago in a trash pile. Apparently a Ford guy had passed away, and the family put his stuff out on the curb. I got several neat things, including magazines and some models, the best being a 57 Ford with a metal body. The things people throw away! I wish I'd gotten more from the pile.



    I ran across this site and from reading a few posts, it looks like you guys are pretty knowledgeable on the details of Mustang emblems. I have a pair of emblems (the same emblem that is on the top banner of this site) that I'm looking for some info on. A friend at work informed me that they were for a K-code mustang, and that led me here.

    The emblems appear to be in excellent shape, and consist of the "289" part and the "High Performance" backing plate. On the back of the backing plate is a faint Ford script, the part number "4ZB-16C236-A FOX CO" My question: are these factory or reproduction emblems? The part number looks like a Ford part number, but the "FOX CO" is throwing me off..

